Circ. n. 201 Ai docenti Agli studenti Ai genitori Al personale L’ITE Enrico Tosi e l’Associazione Noi del Tosi organizzano la partecipazione a due serate del festival del Nuovo Centenario all’Arena di Verona. La serata può essere scelta tra Un ballo in maschera in programma venerdì »
L’ITE Enrico Tosi e l’Associazione Noi del Tosi organizzano la partecipazione a due serate del festival del Nuovo Centenario all’Arena di Verona.
Grande serata futurista da F. Tommaso Marinetti, A. Palazzeschi, L. Altomare, G. Papini – regia e interprete Massimilianio Finazzer Floris Teatro Studio Melato – Milano Partenza ore 18.45 (solo da ITE) – Rientro previsto per le ore 22.15 circa Autobus unico Nominativo numero biglietti Ferrario Guglielmina 2 Cozzi Roberta 3 D’Alessi Patrizia 2 Martina »
7 i progetti del Tosi approvati dal Bando Regionale per le Nuove Learning Week
WORDS THAT OPEN UP NEW WORLDS Hi, my name is Alice and I would like to tell you a story that I wise man told me and I think it explains the importance of discussion. Once upon a time, in a village there were six blind men. One day the villagers told them “Hey, there’s »
The essence of men First of all, what does ‘to be human’ really mean? A human is a living being which distinguishes itself from animals for the possession of a mind able to reason, to ask questions and to solve problems. Furthermore, although every species has a language code, humans are the only ones able »
Speak up and be free! Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m Simone Pastori and today I would be glad to tell you why discussing make us human. To be human seems to be quite a simple process. You just come into the world, you grow up and finally you get old. However, life is »