ITC Enrico Tosi
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The essence of men

The essence of men

First of all, what does ‘to be human’ really mean? A human is a living being which distinguishes itself from animals for the possession of a mind able to reason, to ask questions  and to solve problems. Furthermore, although every species has a language code, humans are the only ones able to express themselves in different ways, through both verbal and non-verbal languages  composed by infinite symbols. We hold in fact the power of words. And we use them as a tool to knock down the enemy, whereas other animals instinctively kill themselves and conceive life as a challenge, a struggle for survival. Therefore humans have the precious and unique capacity to cohabitate with their enemies, with people who don’t share the same beliefs, trough speeches.

And since we all here are humans, I will explain you why discussion is really part of our lives by considering the past, the present and, last but not least, the future:

Firstly, historically speaking, it’s worth mentioning the time when  we have been deprived of the possibility to discuss and as a consequence we have acted more like animals than humans. The totalitarianisms of the 20th century were able in fact to make over minds of entire populations. In this historical period, discussion was abolished and citizens weren’t permitted to argue with the imposed belief unless they wanted to die.

I tell you now about my grandfather, who took part in world war 2 as a partisan. He was called ‘sassolino’ which means ‘little stone’, because one day he was took prisoner from the fascists and he kept in his mouth for hours a stone, just not to be tempted to speak and reveal secrets about his companions. In this case any word could have been lethal, but fortunately he resisted until his mates came and saved him.

On the opposite side, now think about the present. Discussion is part of our lives and it’s essential for our society. Its fundaments are based on values and social reforms. Discussion is everywhere in men’s life. Try to imagine you strolling in the city centre and stopping by the newsagent’s. Now take for instance a magazine: you will read discussions about the shameless behaviours of VIPs. Then pass by the pastry and a very attentive mother will be explaining to her stubborn child that he can’t get the chocolate muffin. Let’s go on to the boutique, where a wife is consulting her future groom for the purchase of the wedding dress.

For all these both positive and negative co-living sides in humans, we are lead to the third point: to create a better future. We will keep on fighting to remove barriers between cultures and stereotypes. We can improve our society by knocking down every single wall. Think at governments’ conferences, businesses’ negotiations or common life’s talks. We turn on the television and we see people deciding for our future and trying to make improvements for the incoming years. These are all examples of discussions held for the future, because discussion will always be part of humans’ life.

 Taking everything into account we can see how much the capacity of discussing has always differentiated us from other species, especially now and still in our future. This is due to the power of words, because words are weapons, but also bricks: they can quickly destroy what humans in centuries self built, but at the same time they can turn ideal projects solid. They let us develop science, philosophy, and religions thanks to the desire to understand, explain and change our world. An American writer (Patrick Rothfuss) said: Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. WE couldn’t live without discussion. To discuss is essential for human’s life.